" One cannot build a life from refrigerators, 

politics, credit statements and crossword puzzles. 

That is impossible. 

Nor can one exist for any length of time without poetry, without color, without love."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Industrial design differs from its sister arts of architecture and engineering. Whereas architects and engineers routinely solve real problem, industrial designers are often hired to create new ones. Once they have succeeded in building new dissatisfactions into people's lives, they are then prepared to find temporary solution. Having constructed a Frankenstein, they are eager to design its bride.

p.215 (Thames & Hudson, 2019)

Design For The Real World, first published 1971

by Victor Papanek

Unfortunately, the architecture profession has now also the same character as the industrial design. It tries to feed the appetite of the real estate / construction market by introducing projects mostly unnecessary compared to the needs of the majority of the society. Proper accessible housing, green - clean - public spaces for all, proper mobility infrastructures... On the following pages, Papanek mentions the transformation of the architecture also. A change was happaning then which was visible by the post-war experiments of Fuller and Eames. A change in the production and assembly processes. A transformation brings architecture closer to industrial design in terms of mass-produced building blocks and also catalogues of components. Architecture did not become totally a product of industrial production but it inherited almost %100 of şts marketing language and manner of industrial design products. 

And here is a great re-view of the book after many years: Metropolis.mag

“So far the action of the profession,” he writes of designers, “has been comparable to what would happen if all medical doctors were to forsake general practice and surgery, and concentrate exclusively on dermatology and cosmetics.”